Veteran Maryland Personal Injury Trial Attorney, Allan Steinhorn on how such cases work

Longtime Maryland personal injury trial attorney, Allan Steinhorn joined Everyday Law to discuss how injury claims work, from start to finish.

For the uninitiated the process can be baffling as liability insurers aren't often the helpful neighbors portrayed on television. As Allan explains there are many components of each claim. In car and truck accidents there are repairs to be made, rental cars to be obtained and paid for, physical injuries to be medically addressed, lost wages to be made up, PIP claims Medpay claims, subrogation claims and liens of many varieties.

It can be exhausting to address these issues and to make sure that the insurance companies aren't getting over on you. This is almost impossible without an attorney and even less experienced lawyers can run afoul of ensuring their clients get fair compensation.

Would it ever occur to a lay-person that insurers would use cheaper after market replacement parts to fix their late model vehicle? Probably not. How to go about fighting over this kind of issue is also pretty elusive.

As for injuries, how do you go about estimating or in some way quantifying their value? In the contemporary claims world, liability insurers routinely offer  a fraction of what they are ultimately willing to pay to settle a claim. Even experienced attorneys such as Allan routinely receive borderline ludicrous offers from claims adjusters.

He of course knows full wel l that these " final offers" are not really " final." It is that kind of knowledge that can't be replicated. Years of negotiations and trials make it possible to intuit what the final offer really will be.

So if you want to hear from a master go to:

Robert V. Clark
Maryland Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer