As much advice as I have doled out on this website concerning liability insurance and insurance companies one would think that I would not be a target for inadequate insurance issues but two days ago I learned otherwise.
In writing a recent blog on " full coverage" I glanced at a recent auto insurance declaration sheet outlining my coverages and saw that despite two or more decades of maintaining PIP coverage in the amount of $10,000.00, our friends at Geico had seen fit to reduce my PIP limits to $2500.00.
I was flabbergasted. Certainly I had never authorized such a reduction in my auto insurance and frankly it was pure fortuity that I'd picked up my Dec sheet and looked at the coverages.
I called Geico the next day and made sure I had the benefits I'd always had in force but my friendly Geico person could provide no explanation for why the benefit had been lowered.
I must admit I am a lttle paranoid that if insurance companies want to screw you they can slip a change in coverage into your policy and probably 90% of their insureds would never notice until too late.
So crisis averted. But I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if I hadn't noticed and had been in a bad accident and required more than $2500.00 in PIP benefits? Some how I think Geico what have said sorry Mr. Clark we sent you a notice of your coverages and you didn't point the discrepancy out to us.
Moral of the story look closely at your insurance bills and declaration sheets . Even if you are a long-time personal injury lawyer.