Injured in a crash? Document your injuries promptly and thoroughly.

When humans sustain injury there is a natural inclination to act like nothing is wrong. Shake it off, right?

If your injured in a crash that can be a big mistake. Insurance companies profit from the Shake it off crash victims. The more they delay getting medical care and the more they downplay their injuries the happier the at-fault insurer is.

Liability insurers are constantly seeking excuses for not paying fully or fairly on injury claims and a favorite refuge is along the lines of 'well you didn't mention your back at the hospital just your knee" so it can't be related.

Another favorite involves pre-existing injuries. If your back was hurt before a crash the insurers will attempt to duck paying for the worsening of your back caused by the crash.

So how do you surmount this problem? The answer is simple, get prompt medical evaluation and make sure you provide a detailed list of any injuries you may have sustained. Often injuries worsen for a period of time after a major crash and that may necessitate further visits to healthcare providers so an injury that came on later isn't missed in the medical history.

They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so make sure you squeak about each and every injury you may have sustained in an auto or truck accident.

Robert V. Clark
Maryland Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer
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